“Let’s Save
the Earth”
- Does this mantra seem a little overboard to you?
Because a while ago, it was the most overzealous statement I
had ever heard.
If you’ve heard these terms, you’ll know what I mean.
The earth is in
…This might be our
best bet out of the grave state we find ourselves in
…injustice against
Mother earth
I mean, really? How in the world is the earth in jeopardy?
There’s no volcanic eruption where I live. The animals in my backyard are still
very well alive. There are no aliens here. So what on earth are we saving.
Should I be saving Mother earth or should she be saving me?
I just didn’t get it. I mean I got a bit of the idea. But I
just didn’t understand the whole ‘drama’ behind it. You can try typing “Let’s
save the earth” on YouTube and you’ll see what I mean. It felt like there was a
whole community of craze clowns out there who spend all their time talking
about the earth and how to save it. There were two things I wasn’t clear about.
The what and the why. And you just might be like that too. So I’ll start with the
Let’s save the earth is simply “a message to help create a higher level
of environmental consciousness among people” (Source: Save the earth blog).
These messages they keep broadcasting - more than 90% are true- and what I mean
is that there is a little bit of drama - to get people’s attention.
Before the introduction of
mechanization, our earth was safe, although tasks were laborious unlike this
age where you can just tell your computer to ‘shut down’ for you. (We cannot
click on the ‘shut down’ button anymore. We have to wake someone to do it for
us. ‘Well done Cortana’) And now,
there are new challenges; the fumes and gases released by our creations, our
innovations. Have you ever wondered were all the refuse you discard go to, or
where all the fumes we generate go to? Truth is, as humans, we produce a lot of
waste in various forms and if not properly gotten rid of, can endanger us.
Global warming, ozone layer depletion – yes they are real. However, there are
solutions. One of which is recycling, that is converting waste materials into
reusable products. Another is the use of environmentally friendly materials.
Did you know?
Global warming can cause life threatening illnesses like heatstroke
Did you hear about the asteroids that flew past the earth a
few days ago? Well if you didn’t, NASA tracked them for days. You might wonder
why they emphasized it a lot, even when it didn’t hit the earth eventually.
Well, these asteroids can have immensely dangerous effects on the earth. Once
they scratch the surface of the earth, think of a war movie. Now imagine one
country launching a rocket bomb, approaching the enemy zone at an intense
speed, only this time, a million times bigger and faster. Imagine that the
country launching it is North Korea, or Russia or Israel. Now, think of the
devastation, the lives that will be lost all in a matter of minutes if this
happened. Yes, that’s what an asteroid can do to the earth. So they do have
reasons to raise an alarm.
Did you know?
So yes, a lot of drama, but still a lot of facts and good
reasons associate this mantra “Lets Save the earth”. You can be a part of it
too. Not the drama, just the good reasons.
Upcoming events:
Sustainability day: Fourth Wednesday of October
International Snow Leopard Day: October 23
International Day of Climate Action: October 24
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